Thursday, November 30, 2006

View of modern research in Germany

The usual complaints about the Anglo-American
axis of research, but acknowledgement of the
lack of places, because of inflexibility, in
Still there is a lack of real research money too.

Subject: Goethe-Institut - Research and Technology - Topics

The Helmholtz Association: Research Writ Large
Prof. J?rgen Mlynek
"Our mission is to help solve pressing social, scientific and economic
problems." In September 2005 J?rgen Mlynek took the helm of the
Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Germany's biggest scientific organization. In
this interview he advocates greater flexibility in German research and
explains what's special about the Helmholtz Centres.

F: Professor Mlynek, in your capacity as president of the Helmholtz
Association you received the Schr?dinger Award for Interdisciplinary
Research a few days ago. To put it a bit polemically: is there really
any prize-worthy research still going on in Germany today?

A: Germany is still one of the leading nations in science and technology.
Excellent research is going on here, we place well in international
rankings. The situation is better than the prevailing mood would
suggest. Our young researchers are much in demand and we've still got
an edge in many areas of science and technology, as is reflected in
the economy.

F: When you look at the German research scene, in your opinion what are
the most formidable challenges to significantly boosting research in
Germany? Are they of a structural or financial nature?

A: There are essentially two big barriers to overcome. The first is a
matter of mentality: Are we not as good as we think we are? Or do we
not believe we're as good as we actually are? It is, in short, a
matter of self-assurance. The other barrier is that the basic
conditions for research and development need to be changed. There are
too many rules we have to abide by. We've got to loosen up these
rules, cut the red tape. We need more flexibility - when it comes to
remuneration, for example. We need to be able to break away from the
public service union agreement and pay salaries based on individual

F: How important is funding for the next generation of researchers?

A: There are some 80,000 doctoral candidates in Germany. These young
academics are internationally sought-after. We have to make sure they
stay here and don't emigrate to Anglo-American countries. We have to
hold out bright prospects to our researchers, especially those between
the ages of 30 and 35. In the scientific domain, for example, that
means more independence, more autonomy in directing research groups.
That's why I feel junior professorships are a step in the right
direction. The goal should be to establish something akin to the
tenure track system in Anglo-American countries. We've already
introduced something of the sort in our Helmholtz University Young
Investigators Groups. Furthermore, the Habilitation [qualification to
teach at university--TRANSLATOR'S NOTE] ought to be abolished. It's
outmoded. And the process takes longer than initially intended.

F: Five years ago, the Helmholtz Association laid down its main fields of
endeavour for research and funding purposes. They include Energy, the
Earth and Environment, Health, Key Technologies, the Structure of
Matter, and Transport and Space. What are these fields of endeavour

The Helmholtz Association has a mission. We engage in top-level
research to solve major and pressing social, scientific and economic
problems. The fields you mentioned are among the most formidable
challenges facing our society. The 15 Helmholtz Centres address issues
in those fields, often pooling their efforts to that end. They work on
.... [ 66 more lines ]
Translation: Eric Rosencrantz
November 2006
Related links
[44]Helmholtz Association deutsch english russkij
[65]50 Deutsche Stars
Innovations made in Germany. German inventions continue to change the
world today, just as they have been doing for the past 500 years.
Learn more about it.

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