Friday, December 15, 2006

Rationalizing Pi

Found an old Hemmi Mannheim type slide rule in the lab the [ slide rules ]
other day.

On the back was a series of settings to approximate the ratios
better than the eye and setting C1 or D1 to a number.

Linkname: pi is irrational

Linkname: Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math

Linkname: Pi -- from Wolfram MathWorld

Linkname: Pi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interesting, for 3 figures, but for 2, mental is as good
and more interesting to the idea of Fermi question resolves.
Linkname: Fermi questions

Linkname: Fermi Questions / Fermi Problems

Some of the Hemmi slide rule conversion factors

Dia circle Circum
226 710
710 / 226
:= 3.14159292035398230088
vs. 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884 ...

from :

The fraction (22 / 7) is a well used number for Pi. It is accurate
to 0.04025%.
Another fraction used as an approximation to Pi is (355 / 113)
which is accurate to 0.00000849% [ same as the above 710/226 ]
A more accurate fraction of Pi is(104348 / 33215). This is accurate
to 0.00000001056%.

Other conversions were:
Side of sq diag of square
70 99

inches mm
5 127

feet metres
292 89

yards metres
35 32

miles km
87 140

cu ft imp gal
17 106

cu ft us gal
234 1750

cu ft litres
3 85
etc. etc.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Further to "Science in Germany"

Having the ESA might be an 'encourager'
for space science. Or they might be
doing more aurora work.

I can see Physics because of Desy, CERN.
And the farming lobby has Plant and Animal
research (Compare the neighbouring Swiss).

The 'negatives' in this listing would be
papers that are predominately in German
for this English-dominated index from

Subject: SCI-BYTES: Science in Germany, 2001-05

47]in-cites - an editorial component of Essential Science Indicators
Citing URL:

[49]SCI-BYTES What's New in Research: May 15, 2006

Science in Germany, 2001-05

Germany's world share of science and social-science papers over the
last five years, expressed as a percentage of papers in each of 21
fields in the Thomson Scientific database. Also, Germany's relative
citation impact compared to the world average in each field, in
percentage terms.

Percentage of papers from Germany
Relative impact
compared to world
% Impact(%)
Space Science 14.95 +27
Physics 11.26 +36
Molecular Biology 10.09 +14
Neurosciences & Behavior 9.76 +3
Geosciences 9.73 +34
Microbiology 9.22 +18
Chemistry 8.99 +19
Clinical Medicine 8.93 +5
Mathematics 8.90 +17
Materials Sciences 8.56 +17

Germany's overall
percent share, all fields: 8.55

Immunology 8.24 +11
Biology & Biochemistry 7.75 +17
Psychology/Psychiatry 7.17 -7
Plant & Animal Science 7.15 +31
Pharmacology 7.11 +11
Computer Science 6.67 +5
Engineering 6.25 +26
Agricultural Sciences 6.24 +9
Ecology/Environmental 6.09 +19
Economics & Business 4.42 -23
Social Sciences 3.20 -21

Between 2001 and 2005, Thomson Scientific indexed 334,831 papers that
listed at least one author address in Germany. Of those papers, the
highest percentage appeared in journals classified under the heading
of space science, followed by physics and molecular biology. In all
three of those fields, and in all but a handful of the rest, the
citations-per-paper average for papers from Germany exceeded the world
average, as the right-hand column shows. (In space science, for
example, Germany's impact average of 9.51 cites per paper surpassed
the world mark of 7.50 by 27%.) Germany's performance was even
stronger in physics (36% above the world mark), geosciences (34%
above), and plant & animal science (+31%), while also being notable in
engineering (+26%), chemistry (+19%), and ecology/environmental
sciences (+19%).

SOURCE: [53]National Science Indicators, 1981-2005 (containing
listings of output and citation statistics for more than 170
countries; available in standard and deluxe versions from the
[54]Research Services Group.

* [quickscience-icon.gif] View the 10-year country rankings for
[55]Germany, 1996-February 28, 2006.

* View the 10-year country profile for [56]Germany, January
1993-April 30, 2003..

55. javascript:popUp5ColRank('may_15_2006-4.html')